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A quick glimpse of the Danish language and how it's pronounced

You might have heard that Danish is hard to learn, but what this really means is that it's hard to pronounce. The grammar, on the other hand, has some similarities to that of English, which technically makes it one of the easiest languages for English speakers to learn.

Here are some Danish sentences that were constructed to resemble English. Try to imagine how they are pronounced, then click on the play button. 

We recommend that you use headphones:
Danmark har et rødt og hvidt flag
Play sound
Denmark has a red and white flag
Vil du give ham et glas?
Play sound
Will you give him a glass?
Danmark er et lille land
Play sound
Denmark is a small country
Det er min kat
Play sound
That is my cat
Min kat er hvid
Play sound
My cat is white
Peter er glad for sit nye job
Play sound
Peter is happy for his new job
Hvad er din adresse?
Play sound
What is your address?
Hvad er dit telefonnummer?
Play sound
What is you phone number?
Johns assistent er meget attraktiv
Play sound
John's assistant is very attractive
Maria er meget nervøs for sit interview
Play sound
Maria is very nervous about her interview
Det er ikke et problem
Play sound
It is not a problem
Michael kan ikke finde sit kamera
Play sound
Michael can not find his camera

That's not quite what you expected, is it? But not to worry: this course will gently guide you through the intricacies of both the language structure and the pronunciation. You will be able to click on a play button to hear the authentic pronunciation, as well as a "slow" button to hear the slow version. 

Here's an example of the two buttons: Hvor kommer du fra? Play sound Play sound Where are you from?

If you try to mimic the sounds as you hear them, you will build muscle memory and be speaking Danish in no time!

Also notice that besides the obvious words like kat, adresse and telefonnummer, you now also know fundamental words like er and ikke. Not bad for a start!

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